
The MRV Hub has dedicated programs that are supported through grant funding. These programs include the Summer Academy, Work Crews, Mitigation and Modelling, and the Secretariat.

Our programs allow us to convene regionally collaborative sessions and produce collaborative work products. Most programmatic participation is conducted through calls for participation and nomination through your MRV Hub Member Country Focal Point.

To learn more or explore our services further, please contact:

Summer Academy

Work Crews

The MRV Hub work crews are a featured initiative of the Hub’s approach to address technical challenges faced by member countries in the GHG emission inventory process and in UNFCCC reporting. These expert working groups:

• Aimed at increasing number of specialists dedicated to the GHG inventory teams in the region
• A key part of the Core Hub Support to member countries
• Used to develop tools and guidance and increase regional GHG expertise
• Intended for capacity-building and mentoring, peer learning and co- producing MRV outputs with the guidance of trained experts

Mitigation Modelling and Projections

The Mitigation Modelling & Projections program (MPP) is a comprehensive work program that focuses on developing modeling capacity within the region and aiding in the completion of UNFCCC reporting requirements. This is essential to meet the growing demand for mitigation scenario assessments and to update and track the progress of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategies (LT-LEDS). Supporting countries as they draft mitigation assessment chapters of National Communications and Biennial Update Reports are some of the tasks which the MPP aims to achieve.