Technical Services
The MRV Hub co-produces technical services with our member countries and organizational partners. These services include training programs, reporting data, MRV system components, reporting chapters, regionally parameterized tools, and action planning.
The MRV Hub can also provide logistical and communications support for hosting regional meetings and prides itself in convening space for multi-country climate MRV collaborations.
Technical services are procured through formal solicitation or invoicing. To learn more or explore our services further, please contact:

Training Programs
- Institutional arrangements
- Data collection
- GHG inventory estimation
- Mitigation modelling and projections
- Quality assurance, quality control
- Programmatic training certification hosting, support, and design
Data treatment & analysis
- Sector-specific data collection
- GHG emissions estimates
- National Inventory Report (NIR) compilation
- Revision and recalculation of previously submitted GHG inventory estimates
- Transition guidance and implementation to Common Reporting Tables (CRT)
- Mitigation policy and action scenarios and projections
- QA/QC peer-review and guidance

Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) system components
- MRV system status assessments – Baseline MRV system status for determining the prioritization of improvements and further development of member country MRV systems
- MRV system component design and implementation, including information management system components
- MRV system roadmaps and improvement planning
Climate Transparency Reporting
- GHG Inventory
- Mitigation analysis
- Measurement, Reporting, and Verification
- Support and Needs
- Domestic reporting review and recommendations
- Submission compilation and work planning

Regionally Parameterized Tools
- Mitigation model selection tool
- On-road transport pretreatment and emission tool
Policy Planning
- Long Term Low Emissions Development Strategy (LT-LEDS)
- NDC implementation plans
- Program and proposal development

Logistics & meeting coordination
- Communications support for hosting regional meetings
- Convening space for multi-country collaboration